Portable Game Engine
Typedefs | |
typedef struct __orxBODY_t | orxBODY |
typedef struct __orxBODY_JOINT_t | orxBODY_JOINT |
typedef struct __orxBODY_PART_t | orxBODY_PART |
Functions | |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_JOINT *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_AddJoint (orxBODY *_pstSrcBody, orxBODY *_pstDstBody, const orxBODY_JOINT_DEF *_pstBodyJointDef) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_JOINT *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_AddJointFromConfig (orxBODY *_pstSrcBody, orxBODY *_pstDstBody, const orxSTRING _zConfigID) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_PART *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_AddPart (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxBODY_PART_DEF *_pstBodyPartDef) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_PART *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_AddPartFromConfig (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxSTRING _zConfigID) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_ApplyForce (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvForce, const orxVECTOR *_pvPoint) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_ApplyImpulse (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvImpulse, const orxVECTOR *_pvPoint) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_ApplyTorque (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxFLOAT _fTorque) |
orxDLLAPI orxU32 orxFASTCALL | orxBody_BoxPick (const orxAABOX *_pstBox, orxU16 _u16SelfFlags, orxU16 _u16CheckMask, orxBODY *_apstBodyList[], orxU32 _u32Number) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_Create (const orxSTRUCTURE *_pstOwner, const orxBODY_DEF *_pstBodyDef) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_CreateFromConfig (const orxSTRUCTURE *_pstOwner, const orxSTRING _zConfigID) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_Delete (orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_EnableMotor (orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint, orxBOOL _bEnable) |
orxDLLAPI void orxFASTCALL | orxBody_Exit () |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetAllowMoving (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetAngularDamping (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetAngularVelocity (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetCustomGravity (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxVECTOR *_pvCustomGravity) |
orxDLLAPI orxU32 orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetDefFlags (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxU32 _u32Mask) |
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetJointName (const orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint) |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetJointReactionForce (const orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint, orxVECTOR *_pvForce) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetJointReactionTorque (const orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetLinearDamping (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetMass (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetMassCenter (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxVECTOR *_pvMassCenter) |
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetName (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_JOINT *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetNextJoint (const orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_PART *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetNextPart (const orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartBody (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxU16 orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartCheckMask (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI const orxBODY_PART_DEF *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartDef (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartDensity (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartFriction (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartName (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartRestitution (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxU16 orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPartSelfFlags (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetPosition (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxVECTOR *_pvPosition) |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetRotation (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetSpeed (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxVECTOR *_pvSpeed) |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_GetSpeedAtWorldPosition (const orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvPosition, orxVECTOR *_pvSpeed) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_Init () |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_IsDynamic (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_IsFixedRotation (const orxBODY *_pstBody) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_IsInside (const orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvPosition) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_IsInsidePart (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, const orxVECTOR *_pvPosition) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_IsPartSolid (const orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY *orxFASTCALL | orxBody_Raycast (const orxVECTOR *_pvBegin, const orxVECTOR *_pvEnd, orxU16 _u16SelfFlags, orxU16 _u16CheckMask, orxBOOL _bEarlyExit, orxVECTOR *_pvContact, orxVECTOR *_pvNormal) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_RemoveJoint (orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_RemovePart (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_RemovePartFromConfig (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxSTRING _zConfigID) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetAllowMoving (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxBOOL _bAllowMoving) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetAngularDamping (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxFLOAT _fDamping) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetAngularVelocity (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxFLOAT _fVelocity) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetCustomGravity (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvCustomGravity) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetDynamic (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxBOOL _bDynamic) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetFixedRotation (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxBOOL _bFixed) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetJointMaxMotorTorque (orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint, orxFLOAT _fMaxTorque) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetJointMotorSpeed (orxBODY_JOINT *_pstBodyJoint, orxFLOAT _fSpeed) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetLinearDamping (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxFLOAT _fDamping) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPartCheckMask (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, orxU16 _u16CheckMask) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPartDensity (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, orxFLOAT _fDensity) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPartFriction (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, orxFLOAT _fFriction) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPartRestitution (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, orxFLOAT _fRestitution) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPartSelfFlags (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, orxU16 _u16SelfFlags) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPartSolid (orxBODY_PART *_pstBodyPart, orxBOOL _bSolid) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetPosition (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvPosition) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetRotation (orxBODY *_pstBody, orxFLOAT _fRotation) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetScale (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvScale) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL | orxBody_SetSpeed (orxBODY *_pstBody, const orxVECTOR *_pvSpeed) |
orxDLLAPI void orxFASTCALL | orxBody_Setup () |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_TestAllDefFlags (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxU32 _u32Flags) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL | orxBody_TestDefFlags (const orxBODY *_pstBody, orxU32 _u32Flags) |
Body Module Allows to creates and handle physical bodies They are used as container with associated properties Bodies are used by objects They thus can be referenced by objects as structures
typedef struct __orxBODY_JOINT_t orxBODY_JOINT |
typedef struct __orxBODY_PART_t orxBODY_PART |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_JOINT* orxFASTCALL orxBody_AddJoint | ( | orxBODY * | _pstSrcBody, |
orxBODY * | _pstDstBody, | ||
const orxBODY_JOINT_DEF * | _pstBodyJointDef | ||
) |
Adds a joint to link two bodies together
[in] | _pstSrcBody | Concerned source body |
[in] | _pstDstBody | Concerned destination body |
[in] | _pstBodyJointDef | Body joint definition |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_JOINT* orxFASTCALL orxBody_AddJointFromConfig | ( | orxBODY * | _pstSrcBody, |
orxBODY * | _pstDstBody, | ||
const orxSTRING | _zConfigID | ||
) |
Adds a joint from config to link two bodies together
[in] | _pstSrcBody | Concerned source body |
[in] | _pstDstBody | Concerned destination body |
[in] | _zConfigID | Body joint config ID |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_PART* orxFASTCALL orxBody_AddPart | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxBODY_PART_DEF * | _pstBodyPartDef | ||
) |
Adds a part to body
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pstBodyPartDef | Body part definition |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_PART* orxFASTCALL orxBody_AddPartFromConfig | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxSTRING | _zConfigID | ||
) |
Adds a part to body from config
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _zConfigID | Body part config ID |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_ApplyForce | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvForce, | ||
const orxVECTOR * | _pvPoint | ||
) |
Applies a force
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvForce | Force to apply |
[in] | _pvPoint | Point (world coordinates) where the force will be applied, if orxNULL, center of mass will be used |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_ApplyImpulse | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvImpulse, | ||
const orxVECTOR * | _pvPoint | ||
) |
Applies an impulse
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvImpulse | Impulse to apply |
[in] | _pvPoint | Point (world coordinates) where the impulse will be applied, if orxNULL, center of mass will be used |
Applies a torque
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _fTorque | Torque to apply |
orxDLLAPI orxU32 orxFASTCALL orxBody_BoxPick | ( | const orxAABOX * | _pstBox, |
orxU16 | _u16SelfFlags, | ||
orxU16 | _u16CheckMask, | ||
orxBODY * | _apstBodyList[], | ||
orxU32 | _u32Number | ||
) |
Picks bodies in contact with the given axis aligned box.
[in] | _pstBox | Box used for picking |
[in] | _u16SelfFlags | Selfs flags used for filtering (0xFFFF for no filtering) |
[in] | _u16CheckMask | Check mask used for filtering (0xFFFF for no filtering) |
[in] | _apstBodyList | List of bodies to fill |
[in] | _u32Number | Number of bodies |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY* orxFASTCALL orxBody_Create | ( | const orxSTRUCTURE * | _pstOwner, |
const orxBODY_DEF * | _pstBodyDef | ||
) |
Creates an empty body
[in] | _pstOwner | Body's owner used for collision callbacks (usually an orxOBJECT) |
[in] | _pstBodyDef | Body definition |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY* orxFASTCALL orxBody_CreateFromConfig | ( | const orxSTRUCTURE * | _pstOwner, |
const orxSTRING | _zConfigID | ||
) |
Creates a body from config
[in] | _pstOwner | Body's owner used for collision callbacks (usually an orxOBJECT) |
[in] | _zConfigID | Body config ID |
Deletes a body
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_EnableMotor | ( | orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint, |
orxBOOL | _bEnable | ||
) |
Enables a (revolute) body joint motor
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
[in] | _bEnable | Enable / Disable |
Gets the "allow moving" property of a body, only relevant for non-dynamic bodies
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned physical body |
Gets a body angular damping
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
Gets a body angular velocity
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetCustomGravity | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxVECTOR * | _pvCustomGravity | ||
) |
Gets a body custom gravity
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[out] | _pvCustomGravity | Custom gravity to get |
Gets body definition flags
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _u32Mask | Mask to use for getting flags |
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetJointName | ( | const orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint | ) |
Gets a body joint name
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetJointReactionForce | ( | const orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint, |
orxVECTOR * | _pvForce | ||
) |
Gets the reaction force on the attached body at the joint anchor
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
[out] | _pvForce | Reaction force |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetJointReactionTorque | ( | const orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint | ) |
Gets the reaction torque on the attached body
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
Gets a body linear damping
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
Gets a body mass
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetMassCenter | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxVECTOR * | _pvMassCenter | ||
) |
Gets a body center of mass (object space)
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[out] | _pvMassCenter | Mass center to get |
Gets body config name
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_JOINT* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetNextJoint | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint | ||
) |
Gets next body joint
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Current body joint (orxNULL to get the first one) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY_PART* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetNextPart | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ||
) |
Gets next body part
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Current body part (orxNULL to get the first one) |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartBody | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets a body part body (ie. owner)
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxU16 orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartCheckMask | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets check mask of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI const orxBODY_PART_DEF* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartDef | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets a body part definition (matching current part status)
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartDensity | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets density of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartFriction | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets friction of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI const orxSTRING orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartName | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets a body part name
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxFLOAT orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartRestitution | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets restitution of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxU16 orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPartSelfFlags | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Gets self flags of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetPosition | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxVECTOR * | _pvPosition | ||
) |
Gets a body position
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[out] | _pvPosition | Position to get |
Gets a body rotation
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetSpeed | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxVECTOR * | _pvSpeed | ||
) |
Gets a body speed
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[out] | _pvSpeed | Speed to get |
orxDLLAPI orxVECTOR* orxFASTCALL orxBody_GetSpeedAtWorldPosition | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvPosition, | ||
orxVECTOR * | _pvSpeed | ||
) |
Gets a body speed at a specified world position
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvPosition | Concerned world position |
[out] | _pvSpeed | Speed to get |
Gets the dynamic property of a body
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned physical body |
Is a body using a fixed rotation
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL orxBody_IsInside | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvPosition | ||
) |
Is point inside body? (Using world coordinates)
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned physical body |
[in] | _pvPosition | Position to test (world coordinates) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL orxBody_IsInsidePart | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvPosition | ||
) |
Is point inside part? (Using world coordinates)
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned physical body part |
[in] | _pvPosition | Position to test (world coordinates) |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL orxBody_IsPartSolid | ( | const orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Is a body part solid?
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxBODY* orxFASTCALL orxBody_Raycast | ( | const orxVECTOR * | _pvBegin, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvEnd, | ||
orxU16 | _u16SelfFlags, | ||
orxU16 | _u16CheckMask, | ||
orxBOOL | _bEarlyExit, | ||
orxVECTOR * | _pvContact, | ||
orxVECTOR * | _pvNormal | ||
) |
Issues a raycast to test for potential bodies in the way
[in] | _pvBegin | Beginning of raycast |
[in] | _pvEnd | End of raycast |
[in] | _u16SelfFlags | Selfs flags used for filtering (0xFFFF for no filtering) |
[in] | _u16CheckMask | Check mask used for filtering (0xFFFF for no filtering) |
[in] | _bEarlyExit | Should stop as soon as an object has been hit (which might not be the closest) |
[in] | _pvContact | If non-null and a contact is found it will be stored here |
[in] | _pvNormal | If non-null and a contact is found, its normal will be stored here |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_RemoveJoint | ( | orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint | ) |
Removes a body joint
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_RemovePart | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart | ) |
Removes a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_RemovePartFromConfig | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxSTRING | _zConfigID | ||
) |
Removes a part using its config ID
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _zConfigID | Config ID of the part to remove |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetAllowMoving | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxBOOL | _bAllowMoving | ||
) |
Sets the "allow moving" property of a body
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned physical body |
[in] | _bAllowMoving | Only used for non-dynamic bodies, Kinematic / Static |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetAngularDamping | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxFLOAT | _fDamping | ||
) |
Sets a body angular damping
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _fDamping | Angular damping to set |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetAngularVelocity | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxFLOAT | _fVelocity | ||
) |
Sets a body angular velocity
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _fVelocity | Angular velocity to set (radians/seconds) |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetCustomGravity | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvCustomGravity | ||
) |
Sets a body custom gravity
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvCustomGravity | Custom gravity to set / orxNULL to remove it |
Sets the dynamic property of a body
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned physical body |
[in] | _bDynamic | Dynamic / Static (or Kinematic depending on the "allow moving" property) |
Sets a body fixed rotation
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _bFixed | Fixed / not fixed |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetJointMaxMotorTorque | ( | orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint, |
orxFLOAT | _fMaxTorque | ||
) |
Sets a (revolute) body joint maximum motor torque
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
[in] | _fMaxTorque | Maximum motor torque |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetJointMotorSpeed | ( | orxBODY_JOINT * | _pstBodyJoint, |
orxFLOAT | _fSpeed | ||
) |
Sets a (revolute) body joint motor speed
[in] | _pstBodyJoint | Concerned body joint |
[in] | _fSpeed | Speed |
Sets a body linear damping
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _fDamping | Linear damping to set |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPartCheckMask | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
orxU16 | _u16CheckMask | ||
) |
Sets check mask of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
[in] | _u16CheckMask | Check mask to set |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPartDensity | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
orxFLOAT | _fDensity | ||
) |
Sets density of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
[in] | _fDensity | Density |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPartFriction | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
orxFLOAT | _fFriction | ||
) |
Sets friction of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
[in] | _fFriction | Friction |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPartRestitution | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
orxFLOAT | _fRestitution | ||
) |
Sets restitution of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
[in] | _fRestitution | Restitution |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPartSelfFlags | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
orxU16 | _u16SelfFlags | ||
) |
Sets self flags of a body part
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
[in] | _u16SelfFlags | Self flags to set |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPartSolid | ( | orxBODY_PART * | _pstBodyPart, |
orxBOOL | _bSolid | ||
) |
Sets a body part solid
[in] | _pstBodyPart | Concerned body part |
[in] | _bSolid | Solid or sensor? |
orxDLLAPI orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL orxBody_SetPosition | ( | orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
const orxVECTOR * | _pvPosition | ||
) |
Sets a body position
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvPosition | Position to set |
Sets a body rotation
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _fRotation | Rotation to set (radians) |
Sets a body scale
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvScale | Scale to set |
Sets a body speed
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _pvSpeed | Speed to set |
orxDLLAPI orxBOOL orxFASTCALL orxBody_TestAllDefFlags | ( | const orxBODY * | _pstBody, |
orxU32 | _u32Flags | ||
) |
Tests all flags against body definition ones
[in] | _pstBody | Concerned body |
[in] | _u32Flags | Flags to test |